Martin Tang
Martin Tang
Whoa nice find! I'm not sure if this would belong in php-mode itself, but it would be great to have a package for this!
I'm considering attempting to translate the vimscript functions into emacs-lisp, as an exercise for myself to learn emacs-lisp. I don't have any experience writing emacs packages though, so I'm not...
@zonuexe Amazing! I may attempt to contribute, but my emacs-lisp ability is subpar. I have a question about [some of the code]( which I don't understand (I tried googling but...
What are the advantages/disadvantages of phpactor over php-language-server? I'm under the impression that php-language-server has a higher memory footprint, but I'm not sure if that's true.
I think it would be better to use the candidate's doc-comment to generate the annotation - this way it'll work for user-defined functions as well as built-ins (which are provided...
This is the example that I tested. (`|` is my cursor position). ```php
I don't quite understand how though. at `[1]`, `[2]`, `[3]`, `[4]` and `[5]` below, evaluating `(thing-at-point 'sexp)` returns: 1. `nil` 2. `nil` 3. `#("array_chunk" 0 11 (fontified t))` 4. `#("array_chunk"...
I believe I had this issue, and resolved it by using my own clone of phpactor (which was up to date with master) - so it might be the case...
I think there was a problem with an invalid required filepath resulting in messed up hash tables. The latest commit _should_ fix this. (I'm not quite sure how, but it...
I'm currently trying to implement `context_menu` [here](, however, I'm struggling a lot since it seems to be the case that the function [phpactor-action-input-callback]( is using the wrong callback (this is...