
Results 48 comments of Manvi-Agrawal

Hi @anjbur, I finally got some time to get back on this after a really long time :-) I just tested on the latest QDK `v0.25.218240` locally that `Prototype kata`...

Hi @tcNickolas, I was wondering if I should break this PR into 2 parts for an easy review? First part will contain only README and *.qs files and other part...

Hi @tcNickolas, a couple of questions to understand the scope of this issue : - Can [custom simulators]( be used by using `@Test` attribute? Is it in scope of this...

Hi @tcNickolas, no issues for delayed review. I understand that it requires a lot of efforts goes into planning what tutorials and challenges would go into QCHack event. Looking forward...

Hi @tcNickolas , kindly find the [design document]( for this issue. This might be a bit lengthy, but last 3 pages aren't that important, so you might want to skip...

Thank you @anjbur for providing the reference to the iqsharp code.

Hi @anjbur @tcNickolas are we thinking to update the CI to use the latest version of the katas package and then merge this? CI updation would require some discussion so...

Hi @tcNickolas @anjbur , makes sense to not change `Dockerfile` and the `validate-notebooks.ps1` script since they might cause the build failures. I would like to know if we want to...

> I would recommend to do a lot of careful manual validation for #620, then merge it with the understanding that the effects will not be observable until the next...

Is the magic command %kata specified in this repository(ie Quantum Katas) or some other repository?