slideout icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
slideout copied to clipboard

A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.

Results 74 slideout issues
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Hi, loving this plugin. Wonder if possible to slide over the slideout.js menu without pushing the panel. Similar to screenshot. ![3DEE60CE-B2CE-4E6D-A929-49150876C558](

Hello! Thank you for your library! How I can change menu width when it is close? It is possible? For example ![home11](

new feature

Hey & thanks for this great library! When zooming in on something on a phone (like an image), the slide opens automatically on our site ( ) which destroys...

![image]( must draw a ratio(h/w > ??) rectangle to open the slidemenu. ``` rect.w = (e.pageX - this.offsetLeft) - rect.startX; rect.h = (e.pageY - this.offsetTop) - rect.startY; ratio = rect.h...

There is a small typo in index.js. Should read `presence` rather than `precence`.

The advertised URL for the new branch returns 404: ``

This will make the scrollbar appear only when needed.


Take it or leave it :) Added slide-over feature (new 'mode' option). Added CSS classes for the four cases: - Push left - Push right - Slide left - Slide...

Google 56 introduced passive mode to default be true. The script will throw errors