
Results 135 issues of Malvoz

FYI @danielstjules In a recent [WHATWG spec change](, all `target="_blank"` links should now imply `rel="noopener"`. And the [`opener`]( link relation was added. Additionally, the [`rel` attribute is now supported on...

(in some cases developers did not comply with the quoted-string rule defined in


The word "home" (specifically in the context of maps) may be misinterpreted by blind users to mean the individual's home (perhaps indicative of obtaining the user's location through the Geolocation...

Google's [Web Light]( may transform secure pages, as explained in, thus it'd be inaccurate to say that `Cache-Control: no-transform` is ineffective over https (notably Web Light does respect the...

It is currently not conveyed to screen reader users which results are available after typing text in the search input. Please consider following the ARIA Authoring Best Practices for the...

- [ ] The reset button is missing an [_accessible name_](, it is currently announced as "times" or "multiplication" depending on the screen reader. It should have [`aria-label="Reset"`]( - [...

help wanted
good first issue

Making the messagebox a [_live region_]( is important as it conveys to screen readers that the content should be announced when added to the DOM, or otherwise has been updated....

## Problem `removeOutsideVisibleBounds` is problematic for screen reader users, > simply hiding out-of-view markers is problematic to non-visual users, because (unlike e.g. and there's no feedback to...

## Problem The current HTML of a marker cluster looks something like this: ```html 23 ``` which results in the accessible name "23" for screen readers, which isn't very informative...


I believe these directives were dismissed at some point due to no browser support, however there's increasing [support]( for [`stale-while-revalidate`]( [`stale-if-error`]( on the other hand [isn't]( directly supported by browsers,...

good first issue