Results 18 comments of ABDUL REHMAN

The issue you're encountering is due to JavaScript's handling of integers beyond Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (which is 2^53 - 1), resulting in the values being interpreted as negative when passed to Buffer.toString()....

I see ! you may need to perform bounds checking before calling Buffer.toString() to ensure that the offsets are within the range of safe integers. This will help prevent the...

`const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider( sepoliaRpcUrl, ); const owner1Signer = new ethers.Wallet( firstOwnerPrivateKey, provider, ); const ethAdapterOwner1 = new EthersAdapter({ ethers, signerOrProvider: owner1Signer, }); const safeService = new SafeApiKit({ txServiceUrl:...

This is the code that i am using to transfer tokens from safe to a wallet. and i am getting success on the execute transaction. but when seen on block...

@dasanra https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x34A50a7A272E86EE30b7A74E36f3f02AF18B1eB5 here is verified source contract