Hi, the script "" fails at sam sort stage and give the following message" Convert SAM to BAM... Done. Time elapsed for SAM to BAM conversion: 0:03:52.958605 Sort BAM...Traceback (most...
Hi I am running isONclust in a Conda environment and the spoa and medaka modules are loaded before the run. Here is my commands: ``` ml Miniconda3/4.10.3 source activate isonclust...
Hello, I am running the following command `` funannotate annotate --gff Slycopersicum_225_iTAGv2.3.gene_exons.gff3 --fasta Slycopersicum_225_iTAGv2.40.fa -s 'Solanum lycopersicum' -o Sly --cpu 12 --iprscan iprscan.xml --database $FUNANNOTATE_DB --busco_db embryophyta`` Basically, I am...
Hello Jefferson, My analysis includes my species of interest plus six other species. In my "comparisons_4DTv.txt", I listed single species as well as pairs of species, as follows: `` mySpecies...
Hello, I am running the last workflow in the pipeline to assess four specific genes. My analysis included 10 plant species. the problem is that, this step is been running...
Hi, I am getting the following error: `` PloidyPlot: Something went wrong with command: Logex -T4 '.trim=A[12-]' Outdata/FastK_table `` my command is: ``PloidyPlot -e12 -k -v -T4 -oOutdata/kmerpairs Outdata/FastK_table`` Any...