You might be out of luck with this issue here, I think this repo was just killed
The last version is actually out, but as far as I am aware it doesn't work with Chromaticraft from that same version, but as long as you dont have both...
Empowering them with asveste has proven to be a little slow and very costly so maybe a more efficient clustered solution for this might be good
Having Multiple Enderquarrys with Tick Accelerators along with extractors and other ways has at least proven to flood traditional ways of item transport, including the item rift
Duplicate of #2962
After a bit more testing, it appears this happens whenever I place something onto a fluix cable while looking at it.
This has become quite troublesome, since I can now also not open my Crafting Terminal
This seems to only be affecting a newer fork of ae2 [ GTNewHorizons / Applied-Energistics-2-Unofficial ](, but since this version fixed a few annoying bugs, it would be helpful to...
Can I provide anything for that, or will that just be on your side?
Nope, I'd say either downgrade your AE version to non GTNH or try to fix it yourself in AE Code, but doesn't like GTNH wants to fix it either.