
Results 3 comments of MakkeLeon

i cant get any teks or image on my oled screen. Heltec wifi 8 kit if i load the same program whit arduinoide it works fine. can someone help me?...

>platformio.ini ` [env:heltec_wifi_kit_8] platform = espressif8266 board = heltec_wifi_kit_8 framework = arduino lib_deps = J:\Compressed\Heltec_ESP8266-master\src\oled J:\Compressed\Heltec_ESP8266-master\src J:\Compressed\Heltec_ESP8266-master\examples\OLED\SSD1306UiDemo `

HI @jussbba can you share you're config file? I cant get any output on my raspberry pi 4. i tried very many things but nothing seems to work so I...