Vitaly Makarkin
Vitaly Makarkin
Actyally I want integrate it to Mobile Apps. We have success with Auth (which users are already registred), but which ones NO registrer we still figuring things out. Ane interest...
Your Cordova-Digits is a Twitter Digits right?
Yes. But how to integrate its with WordPress? WordPress requred Login/Password to auth in his system? Becouse what I want is just PhoneNumber + OTP password (not real WordPress User's...
Yeah. I need tweak it in WordPress and integrate into WordPress Ionic app.
+1 I'm using NVENC codec is it okay? And will it work with 1920*1080p*40mbit*24fps and send that flow to Google Hangouts. Btw Google Hangouts croping flow to 720p.
Any idea of how to connect that stuff? My main purpose is to stream my presentation from pc to Instagram. I hoped to make that with VirtualBox + Android emulator,...
I have it too. But it see only webcam0( my local LapTop working good) and webcam1 which is OBS virtual - black screen - And that is what android...
Heh tried 2 days. Still no results. Somebody tell what, that virtual camera should me kind of USB camera to VirtualBox and then Android Emulator may see it.
Hm. Still have a grenn screen
Hmmm still the green screen - - this WebCam0 this WebCam1 -