
Results 7 issues of MajdT51

Hi, 1. do you know if there is a new version or a new more efficient or better implementation of the brute library? 2. do you think that this script...

I'm having a problem with the issue credentials (json-ld) between Alice and Faber Faber "connection id": "8daa5789-487d-46cc-986a-cd7a2729a524" "did": "D3dJPj916xW2hkr5bwdkVx" (public and posted) "verkey": "7ZmwZTvLeCP5RZw6BASqY8kd3G7cQQYfPbdpyLC2n8Pg" Alice "connection id": "c5d9affa-6e4d-45e0-b1ad-04d8c5b442f7" "did": "21gMuZprYu7FCWRp12C3a2"...

**Title:** Webhook message has no content type **Description:** Add the content type to the request header in webhook Issue:

**What I'm trying to do** Run the open api demo and accept a credential request by alice - connect Alice To Bob as described in `` - both are connected...

* Are you filing a bug report? bug, enhancement **What I'm trying to do** I'm trying to implement a controller (typescript -Nestjs) and I have enabled a rest endpoint for...

Bug report **What I'm trying to do** resolve web did ( which is supported by aries go as far i see: **Expected result** the DID Resolution or Document ```...

Hi, I need to create a did for a given seed using the indy-cli. I can achieve that with `did new seed=...`. However, I need also to see the complete...