Pavel Erokhin

Results 15 issues of Pavel Erokhin

Error message providing me by IDEA: ``` Cannot access 'io.reactivex.ObservableSource' which is a supertype of 'com.example.androidbasics.fragments.FirstFragmentFeature'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies ``` And the same one...

Hello! I re-write it text 3 times! Because google crash it page! It so not cool! Please, review it issue and commit changes, i change dark and light colors of...


I liked what you did and I wanted to try it, but the installation failed in Visual Studio 2019 Professional, I hope you can fix it or make another installer...

### *What do you think? I think it might be useful.*

Gradle Script: ``` jar { from(configurations.compile.collect { entry -> zipTree(entry) }) { exclude "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" exclude "META-INF/*.SF" exclude "META-INF/*.DSA" exclude "META-INF/*.RSA" } } ``` Kotlin DSL Script: [not work] ``` val...

**Describe the feature** Need to BodyValidator#check method overload with lazy ValidationError initialization (simple lambda). Goals: - Reduce memory allocations when rule passed - Increasing performance of request execution because we...


Downloaded version for JRE 11, running on buildin JDK. Windows 11. Stack trace: ``` Exception in thread "WindowsNativeRunloopThread" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: at Method) at Source) at$run$1(Unknown Source) at

At now, code written on kotlin does not ideally friendly with java, for example from java you need to use `RxAnimation.INSTANCE.together` instead `RxAnimation.together` `translationX(someVIew, 0f, 200L, null, null, false)` instead...

**Please complete the following information:** - Last snapshot from master branch. Problem locations: - ./gradle/publish-mavencentral.gradle/41L - ./gradle/publish-mavencentral.gradle/42L Fields ossrhUsername\ossrhPassword not found and undefined, gradle can't sync the project. Current workaround:...