In my case, I'm using `isFieldsTouched` to detect if _any_ form field has been changed. That seems to work fine. The problem is that, when I click on a "save"...
Looks like there is already a replacement:
I'm having similar issues using Windows. I'm dynamically building a command to be executed by yarn/npm, and when finally I do this: ``` await $`${removeCommandString}`; ``` where `removeCommandString` has been...
Oh I see... going to give it a try... thanks [UPDATE] doing the hack before the actual logic works like a charm... you just saved my life ! Let's hope...
@antonmedv what do you mean exactly by using spawn ? I'm just doing something similar to the example given here: but instead of doing `mkdir` I'm calling `yarn `
After upgrading to 7.1.1, seems I'm hitting this problem. zx then uses my WSL bash shell by default, and doing a simple "yarn" command yields the error `/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs/yarn: 11:...
Honestly, I'm not familiar with all this WSL / bash paths entanglement. **louisgv** seems much more clear about it. For me the hack is good enough. I'm just using Windows...