
Results 12 comments of Mahmedturk

Is it already implemented in this model? and what is the loss function of this model with CRF as a classifier?

Hi, I have changed the tf version as per requirements. However i still get the below error. What is surprising is that I was able to run this code with...

I am really confused about the architecture of multi task framework as there is no diagram in the original paper. Could you please explain as to which layers are being...

OK thanks for the detailed answer. Could also explain the difference between "Train_Multitask" and Train_Multitask_different_levels"?

Thanks for the link.

Yes the labels are exactly the same (BIO tagged). I even have tried continuing training by making a copy of first dataset, it still produces the key-error.

Is there any difference between conll 2000 and conll 2003 evaluation?

I have tried using a pre-trained model and got the following error. OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'linnaeus-IOB_0.9593_0.8883_2.h5', errno = 2, error message =...