
Results 4 comments of Magnus-V

We ended up using instead, works fine for our use case. And not dependent on react-native-blob-util or rn-fetch-blob

Had the same problem, fixed it by assigning the value to a constant. Simplified example: Didn't work: `function displaySomething() { return ( functionThatReturnsAName(id) )}` Works: `function displaySomething() { const name...

This issue is still happening with v0.73.2. A change in a checked value using accessibilityState does not help and previous value is being read. On an older android device it...

@michalchudziak See newer issues aswell, but when using enableHighAccuracy: true, it does not fall back to wi-fi (COARSE_LOCATION). To test it, be somewhere with no gps and then start the...