
Results 6 issues of magnasie

**Describe the bug** When using renderMode='native', the onPress props does not work. (Tested on physical iOS device) **To Reproduce** ```js import React from 'react'; import MapboxGL from '@react-native-mapbox-gl/maps'; import {StyleSheet,...


Hello ! I have an issue with IOS, the screen doesn't lock. It just rotation on an Orientation.lockToLandscape() but it go back to the original device orientation just after. ```...

Hi, I don't know why, but the button in "add plate" page to back to "plates" page doesn't work. But I check in Nextion Editor and in addPlate.js, it's the...

**Describe the bug** Hello, Since I updated to React Native 0.72.3, I encountered this error when I rerender a screen with a DraggableFlatlist: ``` TypeError: Cannot assign to read-only property...

It's seems that using a borderRadius in style props of DropShadow doesn't work on Android.

Hello, I'm attempting to display an audio waveform for downloaded audio files. However, the waveform loading process takes some time, and there's currently no indication of when the loading is...
