during getting embeddings in face_embeds = face_feature_extractor.get_face_feature_batch(np.array(all_aligned_img)) c:\jenkins\workspace\mxnet-tag\mxnet\src\operator\tensor\../elemwise_op_common.h:135: Check failed: assign(&dattr, Incompatible attr in node at 0-th output: expected [18,3,112,112], got [24,3,112,112] What I'm doing wrong? This error is...
Hi! How to use sock4/5 proxy for requests? In my region gemini is restricted, usually I use shadowsocks. How to use it for outgoing connection for this custom node? Thanx!
### Your question Cant use it. I made a wildcard in wc tab, but cant understand how to use it in grid mode. Logic of interface in unintuitive. on -...