Perhaps a file called `dependencies.json` containing a list of dependencies so the Modrinth could detect them. If external to Modrinth show a link `[Plug-in Name](https://myplugin.com)` and if internal Modrinth could...
I'm also interested by this feature but not by default, I would prefer a parameter like `"styleSlash": true`.
Add the possibility to enable/disable more extensions (with auto updates): - [RustEdit](https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit) - [Rust:IO](http://playrust.io/manual/#!index.md#Installation) - [Discord Extension](https://umod.org/extensions/discord) These are extensions (not plugins) and enable more customisation for server owner and...
These extensions requires uMod and, because of uMod, your server will be listed as Modded but you can ask to Facepunch to move your server to the Community section if...
I understand you point of view about conflicts and others but I suggest to allow us to enable/disable each extensions. Personally, I use this tool to develop plugins on my...
I would like to suggest to add new commands: (I don't know if it's possible but that could be great) ```txt - wipeall [restart]: Delete all files in the server...
Add a SSH and FTP access.
Use https://pterodactyl.io/ instead of the current rcon console.