Felipe Silva
Felipe Silva
Yes. I'll take a look into it.
Sorry for the delay. I've taken a look for some time and I didn't found the cause of the loop yet. I've been looking it in my spare time only....
@andrea993 , I think the problem is in the file `examples/MyLib/build/Manifest.toml`, in this section: ```toml [[PackageCompiler]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Glob", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl", "Pkg", "Printf", "RelocatableFolders", "TOML", "UUIDs"] path = "../../.."...
Ok. I was able to reproduce your problem and I think I found the cause: ``` [10] bundle_julia_libraries(dest_dir::String) @ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/b2smD/src/PackageCompiler.jl:1118 ``` In `PackageCompiler.jl:1118`: ```julia cp(julia_libdir(), app_libdir; force=true) ``` For...
Manjaro (julia installed by `sudo pacman -S julia`): `"/usr/lib"` Juliaup: `"/home/me/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.9.3+0.x64.linux.gnu/lib"` Julia docker image (`docker run -it julia:1.9 bash`): `"/usr/local/julia/lib"` PackageCompiler doesn't need dbus or cups libraries, which read permissions...