:+1: Looking forward to it. Thanks for hunter, it is really promising!
Here's a list of the libraries currently using Poison... Some of these have blockers that are fixed in unmerged PRs that we could set a calendar data to review, others...
Having the same issue here. The only thing I've changed from the default config is changing the `assetsPublicPath` in `index.js`. I have to do this because my files are not...
Not stale, still a useful feature.
Thanks everyone for the pointers. I understand the unknown costs part is a good concern as there are surely some complicated builds going on! It looks like using a combination...
@sorawee It works! Thank you. I also found out you can do it with `for/splice` something like: ``` racket ◊for/splice[[(item (in-list (select* 'my-tags metas)))]]{ ◊|item| } ``` I found it...