For the compiled Mac version I found the following solution/workaround after reading here, that "require('settings.js');" needs to be changed to "require('./settings.js');" You will need a hex editor to do this....
You can download a fixed Windows version from the fork of LOENS2. Just scroll up in this thread: comment from LOENS2 from 6 Nov 2020
As many other users stated before the iOS app on my iPhone 11 with iOS 16.6 does not display any notification using our self hosted server, until I manually refresh...
Sorry, but I could not test the app sooner. I also installed the test flight version 1.3 (4) a few moments ago and for me it seems to work much,...
After a little more testing I found, that here seems to be an issue with the "Subscribed topics" list in the test flight version 1.3 (4): At least for me...
On my iPhone 15 Pro with iOS 17.1.1 and the testflight app this doesn't work - the counters will not be updated. I tested this with WiFi and mobile network....
I cannot add a new printer in Cura 5.0.0 with plugin version 0.6.0, but a printer, that was already added and configured in Cura 4.x (with an earlier version of...
Because it is a pre-release you would have to download it from here and install it manually.