Max Lubbers
Max Lubbers
I'm also a little curious as to why Aseprite2Unity is naming animations in a new format. It seems that the update now names them in the format **AspriteLayerName.Animations.AspriteTagName**. Is there...
Making progress on the issue. It seems that the naming convention I pointed out in the previous comment is causing the error that I am encountering. To fix it, I...
This is a great addition. Do events happen to support arguments?
I am assuming this error is generated by failing to provide a clear path between vertices when a composite collider is generated out of many smaller colliders. I have resolved...
I'm not certain, but I believe the issue was caused by having vertices which were unable to connect with partners cleanly in order to form a clean polygon (such as...
Here's an isolated example of the bug. In the first image the error occurs and the individual polygon colliders are not destroyed. I believe it has something to do with...