pcf-universal-gantt-chart copied to clipboard
getting error when loading page
Error Code: runtimeCanvasAppError Session Id: 361434c8-a2cb-44e9-9625-718eaa368596 Activity Id: 2f639541-3d1a-4164-ac3f-06aa1cea49ed Timestamp: Fri Mar 15 2024 15:01:55 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) Error loading script UciError: Error loading script at s (https://org258111ba.crm.microsoftdynamics.us/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.8204-2402.4:33:941278) at https://org258111ba.crm.microsoftdynamics.us/uclient/scripts/custompage.js?v=1.4.8204-2402.4:4:24662
I do not know how to fix this
This error is somehow caused by the default value of the tasktypemapping in the controlmanifest (only happens for canvas app). easiest solution (bypass) is to set the required flag to false and remove the default value for the TaskTypeMapping, this will only allow you to have tasks (not milestones / projects). After this also change the getTaskType function in the index.ts file.
<property name="taskTypeMapping" display-name-key="Task Type Mapping" description-key="Defines task type to option value" of-type="SingleLine.Text" usage="input" required="false" />
private getTaskType( taskTypeOption: string, taskTypeMapping: string | null ): TaskType { let taskType: TaskType = this._defaultTaskType; return taskType; }
If you want to keep the ability to have Milestones and Projects you should remove the TaskTypeMapping altogether and just use the tasktype string value directly by modifying the getTaskType() function. I personally don't see the point of allowing users to change the mapping, they should follow the description and only use "Task", "Milestone" and "Project", just like the Enum.