pcf-universal-gantt-chart icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pcf-universal-gantt-chart copied to clipboard

Interactive PCF Gantt Chart Control for Dynamics Grid


Interactive PCF Gantt Chart Control for Dynamics Grid and Canvas App



The solution is here in assets

Quick guide for model driven app is here

Guide with details for canvas app is here


Parameter Name Description
Title* Specifies name on bar and list table.
Start Time* Specifies start time display.
End Time* Specifies end time display.
Progress Specifies progress display.
Parent Record Specifies record dependency
Task Type(Option) Specifies record type. Task, milestone, project. You are able to configure option-text mapping in Task Type Mapping parameter.
Display Color(Option) Specifies colors by option set value color.
Display Color(Text) Specifies colors by hex color value.
Display Mode* Enables or disables drag and drop feature.
IsSubgrid* Specifies gantt as subgrid control.
Default Duration View* Specifies default duration display.
Task Type Mapping Defines task type to option value
Display Date Format* Specifies date and time display format.
Time Step* Specifies allowed step for move events. Sets in milliseconds.
Font Size* Specifies font size.
Header Height* Specifies header height.
Row Height* Specifies row height.
List`s Cell Width* Specifies task list width. You may set 0 value for list hiding.
Column Width for Quarter of Day* Specifies period width for Quarter of Day.
Column Width for Column Width for Half of Day* Specifies period width for Column Width for Half of Day.
Column Width for Column Width for Day* Specifies period width for Column Width for Day.
Column Width for Column Width for Week* Specifies period width for Column Width for Week.
Column Width for Column Width for Month* Specifies period width for Column Width for Month.
Custom Display Name Overrides display name.
Custom Start Name Overrides start time name.
Custom End Name Overrides end time name.
Custom Progress Name Overrides progress name.
Custom Progress Color Specifies the taskbar progress fill color.
Custom Progress Selected Color Specifies the taskbar progress fill color on select.
Custom Background Color Specifies the taskbar background fill color.
Custom Background Selected Color Specifies the taskbar background fill color on select.



You are able to setup record coloring on base color or custom colors. The base color gets from option set, text value or entity color. You can create base color for record palette here.

Gantt takes from palette color #2 for background, #3 for selected background, #4 for progress color, #5 for selected progress color

Custom colors might be configured for overriding if you don't like color generation.

Additional information

If you need your language you may contact with me or open an issue, where you may share your translations.

License GPLv3

Special thanks to Aleksandra Daskevica

Based on