Today I updated my gateway firmware to 1.4.1_157.0143 using the Mi Home App (on mainland china server) and now the cube is working fine. My plugin version is 0.6.9 and...
I have a fix for rotate, the parser is faulty. I read the debug log and found this line: `{"cmd":"report","model":"sensor_cube.aqgl01","sid":"158d000230e589","short_id":57705,"data":"{\"rotate\":\"16,500\"}"}` there is no status anymore in the message. If you...
> I just installed the cube. And i see the switches in homekit. But when i select one i get: > > ``` > [2018-11-19 21:38:24] [MiAqaraPlatform] [DEBUG][Revc]{"cmd":"write_ack","model":"sensor_cube.aqgl01","sid":"158d000287911e","short_id":14394,"data":"{\"voltage\":2995}"} > [2018-11-19...