Marius Almanstötter
Marius Almanstötter
Hi everybody, i already posted the same issue on the Optimization GitHub page, but Chris asked me to transfer it here. I get the following domain error while trying to...
Hello, i have been lately running the docu for parameter optimization of ODEs However, i tried to decrease the maxiters to 5 for multiple algorithms, but none of them...
Hello i am trying to solve an ODE system for different parameter vectors. However, some of the parameters lead to imaginary or unstable solutions. Is it possible to just skip...
Hello, i want to define my custom loss function for a fully connected NN. In this loss i want to include the derivative of some output neurons wrt to some...
Hello, i have maybe a more type of general question. Is it still possible to perform Bayesian inference when the likelihood is basically deterministic. In my problem set up, i...
Hello , i want to use Diffrax for Bayesian inference of parameters in numpyro. However, as soon as i change the StepsizeControler from ConstantStepsie to DPIController i get an error....
If i run the Latin Hypercube sampling with the basic lines of code: ``` from skopt.sampler import Lhs from import Space space = Space([(1,2),(3,4)]) lhs = Lhs(criterion="maximin", iterations=10000) initial_population...
Hello everyone, I am trying to run Dask on our cluster, however the following code produces an error i don't really know how to solve ``` from dask_jobqueue import SLURMCluster...
I have the following problem that i want to use the parallel coordinates plot for a dataframe where some columns are categorical (strings) and others are numerical. In my case...
The following example code from the docu produces a warning. How can i get rid of it? ``` import jax.numpy as jnp from diffrax import diffeqsolve, ODETerm, SaveAt, Tsit5 def...