Mickael Zehren
Mickael Zehren
I am in a similar situation: I have a [midi file](https://github.com/mido/mido/files/3473158/example.zip) with a badly encoded SysEx message according to mido. > ValueError: data byte must be in range 0..127 It...
I don't remember this issue anymore, but we are lucky I included the file in my previous message! > I have a [midi file](https://github.com/mido/mido/files/3473158/example.zip)
Hi gbibbo, Thank you for your comment. The error is raised when the `.beat.json` file is generated actually. I think it is because the code can't access the folder: "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/automix/../annotations/"...
Thank you for your answer! After more investigation, I found that there is more than Kontakt using their own mapping of MIDI pitches to drum instruments instead of General Midi....