Anybody found a reasonable workaround for getting custom error pages in place for AGIC-controlled listeners?
manojpramesh's comment (3 Apr) suggests that won't work. I'll be giving it a try soon...
I actually got it working by just configuring it on the AG global level, with a PowerShell like: $resourceGroup = “rg” $AppGWName = "blablabla-ag" $customError502Url = "" $AppGw = Get-AzApplicationGateway...
Nope, it seems to stick in my environment...
Scaling one of your deployments to zero pods...
@mangalorereshmi I have a support ticket open (#2404100050003286), but have the idea Support does not know what to do with it. Can you help?
My mistake, I mixed things up. The instructions you refer to work (I used them too). But I also need[ custom domain support ]( is in private preview and MSFT...
I also like to request access to the private preview (support ticket #2404100050003286)
From the documentation: "BUILD_PATH indicates where the application model is located. It is a root directory of an **unzipped** .MDA or .MPK file. In the latter case, this is the...
As documented, you have to unzip the .MDA file into a subdirectory of the buildpack (e.g. using winzip or something) . Then you can build from that as well.