Hi, SWYH hasn't been updated for a while, I advise you to try SWYH-RS it works better than SWYH and above all the developer is very responsive. => Good...
I am very interested in this addition to SWYH but I see that this post dates from 2016 so today in 2020 still no solution .. Being able to stream...
@sebastienwarin this commits are essential.. Thanks @dheijl for making releases before SWYH:master, I use this release and that work really better...
Try with sywh-rs.. :wink:
@mg2c I will advise you to open a new thread on the swyh-rs project because @dheijl is very responsive on his project .. Here with SWYH you may not have...
I've same problem, how use your patch, I don't understand ?
Thank @dheijl, can you build SWYH with yout patch and post directly on your github because I don't see any news of Sébastien and I can't wait. When SWYH work...
Thanks @dheijl you are Great..!
This beta releases work so fine.. Real good job.. Another thing if it seems possible to you to make sure that when the pc goes to sleep that does not...
Excellent .. Thank you very much it will be really very useful, a huge thank you ..