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Audio stutter when CPU is busy with other tasks
Occasionally I can get audio stuttering when the CPU is busy.
I created a pull request https://github.com/StreamWhatYouHear/SWYH/pull/31/commits/0b581ebe31d751fcda032812b3a118df8f414858 with a patch that fixes it (for me).
Thanks for a fine job!
I've same problem, how use your patch, I don't understand ?
You have to be able to build SWYH yourself (clone the source from github, apply the patch, build SWYH with Visual Studio and install the new version). Otherwise you will have to wait until Sebastien publishes a new build with the patch I'm afraid...
Thank @dheijl, can you build SWYH with yout patch and post directly on your github because I don't see any news of Sébastien and I can't wait. When SWYH work on my pc, I can't do nothing else otherwise SWYH get audio stuttering...
You can download a setup (64 bit) of a beta build with the fix at https://github.com/dheijl/SWYH/releases. Built with the .net framework 4.8.
Thanks @dheijl you are Great..!
This beta releases work so fine.. Real good job.. Another thing if it seems possible to you to make sure that when the pc goes to sleep that does not cut the streaming of SWYH, deezer is still playing but no longer streaming to my amp, in addition I have to quit SWYH and restart to To be able to have sound in my amp .. In case that would be really cool .. Thanks again for the patch ..
I uploaded a new release at https://github.com/dheijl/SWYH/releases that prevents the PC to go to sleep while SWYH is running (no matter if it is streaming or not). It does not prevent the monitor from sleeping, only the CPU.
Excellent .. Thank you very much it will be really very useful, a huge thank you ..
Hi i am using the latest beta thanks again for uploading .. I still get disconnections from SWYH from time to time when I'm not doing anything special on my pc, I don't understand why the streaming to my amp stops without an error message. Will there be a way in the software to reinforce streaming to the amp in the event of an unexpected disconnection? And thank you again for your contribution to this great tool that is Stream What You Hear ..!
I suppose you're having network (WiFi ?) problems. Since I do not experience these disconnections I can't debug the problem. I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you with this...
If I'm not mistaken you can find a version that resumes streaming after a disconnect at https://github.com/pierotofy/SWYH
Thanks @dheijl I will try this release but can you add this autoplay mod on your last beta release..?
It does not do what you want: all it does is automatically start streaming to any unchecked dlna device if you start to play play audio on the PC.
Thanks for all @dheijl, I have created a new issue for my problem.. I found a solution that allows me to restart the stream to my amp when this bug, I modify the parameters then I return to my basic parameters and finally I find the stream to my amp .. But I still have Repeated disconnection which makes me have a hard time ... I hope to be able to end up having a SWYH which will work all day without disconnection but for the moment it is not that ... Again thank you for your updates which make that the Sound no longer skips as soon as I touch my pc ..