How exactly this exception occurred? Did it happen when you tried to open task list or when the system tried to execute one?
Hello. No, it's not supported. I think the simpliest solution for you is to somehow make an asynchronous call from controller function.
Hi. What framework do you use? what's your command\function name?
Did you install all dependences including require-dev? If you did, there must be a folder vendor/phpunit with these classes.
Hi. I'll take a look
Hello @baaslaawe. Sorry, I've missed this issue. I suppose the question is no longer relevant, but I'll answer in case someone have the same one. You have no matches, because...
Hello @enferas. Thanks for reaching out. Sorry about very late response, I was genuinely going to make changes, but I don't have time for this project. The changes in code...
also, could you please roll out new stable release