Dubey Abhishek Santoshkumar
Dubey Abhishek Santoshkumar
Please shift the library to maven central.
Have you got any solution ?
I'm also facing the Play and Pause buttons getting stuck on the "buffering/loading" animation on Android 14, although it works perfectly on Android 10. I'm currently using version 3.2.0. I...
@nl-danish I have solved the SwiftAudioEx issue after running `pod update SwiftAudioEx`. but after updating to 4.0.1. I'm still facing the issue.
I was also facing the issue earlier but it was solved by making some changes to the way I was passing the parameter to the validateReceiptIos. before I was passing...
I was also facing the issue earlier but it was solved by making some changes to the way I was passing the parameter to the validateReceiptIos. before I was passing...
Yes, it returns the localized price for iOS and Android, but the key that produces the localized price differs. for iOS --> sub.localizedPrice will give the localized price, for Android...