Moritz Stapelfeldt
Moritz Stapelfeldt
Well, I got back to an early saved state of machine, updated everything and run upgrade after that. Then followed the3 instructions till and got an other error message:...
This didn't solve the Problem, but I copyed the full Log this time: `root@pcw-VirtualBox:/home/pcw# apt-get install python-dev Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut. Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig Die folgenden...
Hi, the detection is all done by frigate. ESP32 only sends the bare rtsp stream to it. But that's where the problem is: I can't get a stable rtsp stream......
No not really. I tried an other board with 8mb psram, antenna, resolution down to 640x480 and many different qualities. Also trying not with RTSP, but jmpeg stream url over...
Unfortunately not... I gave up on espcam and switched to cheap v380pro cam. Set them up to onfiv and block Internet after setup. They work as a charm for...
> Attach the signature without the local quirk aoolied. I would try to add it in this quirk: > > Dammit, I wrote answer but somehow it wasn't submitted....
I wasn't able to get it working and the extra command after interview requires more knowledge then I have. (I'm just a regular C++/PHP/VB/C#/Ruby developer, no phyton 😅) I brought...
@dmulcahey should be one of the people responsible. But there is no one assigned to this issue. So I don't have much hope they try to change it...