Results 10 issues of MSIH LLC

We are using LDAP binding. We need to include the binding username and encrypted passwords in Jenkins config.xml file. We need to be able to the ability to generate the...

# Fixes # add error handling with try catch to readme example ### Checklist - [x] I acknowledge that all my contributions will be made under the project's license -...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Using Google Place Autocomplete is a common use case for applications to allow users to enter addresses easily and consistently....

How do i get the street address, state, and postal code from the place results?

### General information * SDK/Library version: 1.32.1 * Environment: N/A * Browser and OS: N/A ### Issue description The dropin documentation makes no reference to capturing or submitting Device Data....

what are your plans to upgrade to the new version of apify SDK (v3 Crawlee)?

mid priority

the CopyExe has code to monitor jobs But the robocopy command is not invoked with -asJob

We want to copy text from the report but we cannot. The Test Title cell is wrapped in a button which does not allow for selecting text to copy. Please...

When I run this command I get this error. Windows 2016 server. PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-TfsTeamProject Get-TfsTeamProject : Method not found: 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings System.Net.Http.Formatting.BaseJsonMediaTypeFormatter.get_SerializerSettings()'. At line:1 char:1 + Get-TfsTeamProject + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +...

This does not work var message = "This is a message sent from the C# method."; var toastSettings = new ToastSettings { Position = Blazored.Toast.Configuration.ToastPosition.TopCenter }; toastService.ShowInfo(message, toastSettings); But this...
