So you want your task to stay hidden forever untill you disable hiding hidden tasks and then set a duedate? In that case i qould prefere an option hide "forever"...
please dont! I often set tasks that shall be hidden for a week but have no duedate. How about having an option like the mentioned "forever", that acts like "hide...
> How do you do that? Currently, if you don't set a date, it always resets to "never hide" > under hide until i select "day and time" (may be...
Lösung siehe #39
Hi aronlanza, you are nearly right. Currently it is that you pass a filename where you store the RAW data. This means if you put your raw data in example.txt...
first of all to fill forms you need to manually start filling. You can do that over the addon icon and then clicking on fill form.  With the basic...