#define OPTIONAL_OLED_VOCABULARY V(oled) #define OPTIONAL_OLED_SUPPORT \ XV(internals, "oled-source", OLED_SOURCE, \ PUSH oled_source; PUSH sizeof(oled_source) - 1) \ YV(oled, OledAddr, PUSH &oled_display) \ YV(oled, OledNew, oled_display = new Adafruit_SSD1306(n2, n1, &Wire,...
``` \ The word mouse delivers the position of the mouse pointer from the origin x y (0, 0) \ of the HTML page and not from the origin of...
[JSWORD:]( [globalAlpha!]( [{]( val div } context.ctx.globalAlpha [=]( val/div; ~
[JSWORD:]( [date@]( [{]( -- y m d } let date [=]( new Date(); return [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getUTCDate()]; ~
[JSWORD:]( [clearRect]( [{]( x y [width]( [height]( } context.ctx.clearRect(x, y, width, height); ~
[JSWORD:]( [closePath]( [{]( } context.ctx.closePath(); ~
\ draw ellipse [JSWORD:]( [ellipse]( [{]( x y rx ry angle div } context.ctx.ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, Math.PI [*]( 2 [*]( angle [/]( div, 0, 2 [*]( Math.PI); ~ \...
Hello, I'm testing XTENSA assembler. And I've a problem with MOV, My test: a8 a2 MOV, ESP32forth display: --> a8 a2 MOV, STACK UNDERFLOW ERROR I use only ar as...
Hello, ESP32Forth has functionalities allowing the broadcasting of information as a web server or telnet. With the HTTP vocabulary, ESP32Forth can now receive or transmit information with web servers. I...
There is one point on which a small modification should be made. It's in this definition: : login ( z z -- ) WIFI_MODE_STA Wifi.mode WiFi.begin begin WiFi.localIP 0= while...