Alex Teng(MOODSKY)
Alex Teng(MOODSKY)
I just want to know if it is possible for me to modify FB code to solve the problem, if it is not possible. I had to find another way...
Referring to MSDN, it has been compiled and passed after the correction ``` union IRP__AssociatedIrp MasterIrp as PIRP IrpCount as LONG SystemBuffer as PVOID end union type IRP__Overlay__AsynchronousParameters UserApcRoutine as...
This is really too complicated, the original structure in FB should be wrong, I want to correct, but I don't know how to define this structure in FB. fb ```...
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此问题测试环境vmware win10-22h2(19045.2251),win11-22h2 if (!address) return false; //代码执行到这里就false了.在start里因为m_HvlGetQpcBias为零就直接蓝屏了 m_HvlGetQpcBias = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(address) + 7 + *reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(address) + 3)); DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "[%s] hvl get qpc bias is 0x%llX \n", __FUNCTION__, m_HvlGetQpcBias); if (!m_HvlGetQpcBias)...
Hope the author can add the option of driver compilation