## Standards checklist: - [x] The PR title is descriptive. - [x] The PR doesn't replicate another PR which is already open. - [x] I have read the contribution guide...
`warning: conflicting behaviours found. function default_options/1 is required by Ecto.Repo and ExAudit.Repo` #74
Hi, after I've added PowInvitation and trying to use PowAssent for logging in via Google as an invited user I get the following issue. The provider link included the invitation_token...
Hello! I have a database with different schemata, some belong to tenants, some not. To separate it better with Triplex, I am using the `tenant_prefix` config option. When I run...
Hello, love your library! I just wanted to add a retry for my existing API client using the Retry middleware. I expected it would retry on timeouts, but it does...
Hello, first of all, thanks a lot for this nice library :) I was wondering how to insert data in different tables for **one** event? For instance, two `Ecto.Multi.insert()` results...
Hello, I was using your example: ```elixir data = %{ :race => "Khajiit", :name => "Bob", :level => 6, "potions" => "Skooma" } schema = %{ :race => :string, :name...
At the moment there is only a percentage about a down time. I'd like to see the absolute duration of a downtime.
Hey, just did the setup for Google SSO. After the redirect from Google, I landed on the Open Requests screen with a loading spinner. Everywhere where I click, I get...