I was able to get this working with webpack by first running `npm i -D @rollup/plugin-json`, then adding this to my `rollup.config.js`: ```js import json from '@rollup/plugin-json' export default {...
Working great with the following: - Comment out Grafana in compose.yml - Add ports to Prometheus in compose.yml: ```yml ports: - '9090:9090' ``` - Add Prometheus data source to Grafana:...
I'm also having this issue. The requested directory looks like this: `/data/user/0/com.example.app/app_flutter/files/my_folder/my_file.jpg` I am using `path_provider` `getApplicationDocumentsDirectory` to achieve this. But when using `OpenFile`, it attempts a directory that looks...
I've put together a simple test app to [recreate this issue](https://github.com/MJ12358/open_file_test). We are creating files within our app's directory, yet `OpenFile` does not work, permissions aside it continues to fail...
@JosephNK This works... But I'm concerned with the implications of this. I thought the "root-path" tag allows access to any file or directory within the device's file system. What does...
> But this is still not the real solution for this issue. I completely agree.
This is definitely an issue when using internal directories like this: `getApplicationDocumentsDirectory` aka `/data/user/0/com.example.app/app_flutter` vs: `getExternalStorageDirectory` aka `/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.example.app/files` When using "OpenFile", the former produces the directory of: `/data/data/...` (which is...
Configuring `filepaths.xml` with the following works for me when opening files via `getApplicationDocumentsDirectory`: ``` xml ``` The important bit is `path="../"`. I think what is happening is that "files-path" assumes...
@praveenverma720 If you look at the previous two comments directly above yours, you will see that this has already been suggested. You have not provided any new information. If you...