Personally, I would really like to see ComicInfo.xml support. I prefer having metadata embedded in the files.
This package is not open source. Is it possible to break this out somehow so it is not forced on everyone using the Cecil NuGet package?
Well, it looks like the NuGet package is not, even if the source is open. (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.DiaSymReader/) I don't really know how to best break it out. I just don't really...
Well, even on myget it points to the EULA license. I know there are some efforts going on though to change the package licensing though. And FWIW I have been...
It would be really nice to be able to use never with variance. Then we could use IReadOnlyList as any type (or just class types?). This would, of course require...
@HaloFour That's the idea. It would represent an empty list. It would only be possible to use never in covariant/out positions, of course. I tend to use it in Scala...
@orthoxerox For instance: public interface IResult { } public sealed class ResultValue : IResult { // ... public T Value { get; } } public sealed class ResultError : IResult...
True. I'll make it an interface.
In that case, `ResultError` can only ever be used as an `IResult`. It couldn't be used as a `IResult` (or whatever class you wanted to use). You could, of course,...
Switching to contravariant makes `ResultValue` invalid. The `Value` property uses `T` in a covariant position. The never type is essentially the opposite of the object type.