I've come across the same issue, if implemented the following temporary fix: ```kotlin TapTargetView.Listener() { override fun onTargetDismissed(view: TapTargetView?, userInitiated: Boolean) { view?.visibility = View.GONE super.onTargetDismissed(view, userInitiated) } } ```...
> It works! :) Can you explain why it works pls :) Its been a while since I figured this out, so unfortunately I can't explain why it works.
Yes I'm on MacOS but this doesn't seem to fix the solution. The thing is, the form is longer then my viewport. So when i press the submit button all...
``` Aanhef Dhr. Mevr. Initialen Naam Geboortedatum (optioneel) Postcode Huisnummer Straatnaam Woonplaats Land E-mailadres Telefoonnummer (optioneel) Opmerking (optioneel) 1000 resterend CV (optioneel) Kies een bestand Je CV is niet verplicht...
Im using the following js libraries jquery - v3.3.1 parsleyjs - v2.8.1 mailcheck - v1.1.1 inputmask - v3.3.11 fontawsome.js - v5.0.10 But even if i turn all of them off...
@yanosuke I ran into the same problem. And struggled with it for over a day. But i have found the solution. I made a few changes. In the dataProvider i...