looks like not wolfhud issue cannot say more without blt logs
disable `More Weapon Stats` mod
Hello Try to disable `Suspicion meter` mod
Fill this template or attach blt logs at least. Do you check that this crash is not reproducible without WolfHUD or with WolfHUD only loaded? Here no WolfHUD mention...
This mean you need to rewrite function in `WolfHUD/lua/MenuTweaks.lua` to something like this ``` patch function BlackMarketGui:mouse_clicked(...) BlackMarketGui_mouse_clicked_original(self, ...) -- if not self._enabled then ++ if not self._enabled or self._mouse_click...
Problem was fixed with new release
Hello 1) delete payday 2/`mods/base` 2) delete `IPHLPAPI.dll` and `WSOCK32.dll` (if exist) from game directory 3) download and place in game directory
Then fresh logs needed I'll look at them tomorow
Do you have a superblt settings in the game?
Then, i guess you need to ask in blt issue tracker