This is true with custom validators, as well. (Currently struggling with this exact bug)
Thanks for the response. I hear your point about the lookbehind. Wow, what a difference a comma can make! ישועת ה' כהרף עין! At the same time, two issues arise....
Also, @ikesultan notes how `Kaf HaChaim 46:49:1` is live on, but I would point out this is ambiguous. Kaf HaChaim covers the first 119 Simanim of Yoreh Deah also.
And stam, aliases for different spellings of a sefer name will be helpful for things like `Mishna Brurah` vs. `Mishna Berura` vs. `Mishnah Berurah`. Same for `HaChayim` and `HaChaim`
Ok, thank you, Noah. תזכו למצוות!
I'm happy to post more suggestions here if you guys are open to it.
- Mishneh Torah sections could use aliases, for example Hilchos Tefillin (4:10) - instead of Tefillin, Mezuzot, and the Torah Scroll. Maaser instead of Tithes, etc. Just transliterate the Hebrew...
Nekudat HaKesef = Nekudot HaKasef (that's the correct spelling)
``` let currentYear = ... ; const increment = 1 let [d, m, y] = [, currentYear.month, currentYear.year]; let nextMonth = new Hebcal.HDate(d, m + increment, y) let nextYear =...
Currently on Android 5.13.10 I have not faced the issue recently enough to replicate exactly, and it didn't happen on airplane mode just now. Next time I lose service I'll...