Same issue here. Videos that worked last week now doesn't work anymore
From first look seems that we get this: player_response=%7B%22playabilityStatus%22%3A%7B%22status%22%3A%22UNPLAYABLE%22%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%5Cu Which kinda means that its not working because the owner of the video disabled the playability of the song on external...
**However, this link does not work and the video owner has not stopped playing it on external websites** Not sure what's happening exatcly, but that is the error i...
Thank you very much for the suggestion
Hello, I think somewhere half of January 2020 this card will be available.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. Let me see what i can do about it.
Hello, Can you tell me which type of entities doesn't show the history graph?
Please enable debug mode in Ariela and send me the logs so i can check it out.
Hopefully it will be done until end of this month.