Cem Gunes
Cem Gunes
Hi there, Is there anyone who could solve the problem? I followed the instructions in the layers folder. However, I still get the error. : ` root@6e57005559fd:/app/RSNet# whereis cuda cuda:...
I'm not sure if it is the best way to go but I think I've solved the problem. First of all, you need to define the CPATH properly. In my...
Hello @Seemee, I see that the Colab page is not publicly available. I am struggling with some installation errors. Would it be possible for you to share the working part...
@Mdemerdash Hi! Sorry for the late response, unfortunately, I gave up after several tries.
@Mdemerdash No, not really, I changed my method to classical semantic segmentation without part hierarchies. :)
Thank you for being so friendly and helpful. Nowadays I'm busy with other tasks, but when I'm free I am definitely going to check it again and let you know...