Aaron Chamberlain
Aaron Chamberlain
I would recommend we don't open any further issues regarding this, and instead focus on one. We can link and close the other issues later. I'll investigate the issue over...
I'd be interested to know if anyone has any history on the Udemy API. It appears they might have broken Semantic Versioning and removed an API endpoint that is used...
@bissaka Saw your question in the other thread. I was debating putting it here since it's not related to the project and detracts from the amazing work Faisal has done...
My mistake, after further inspection I can confirm they are using Widevine. For all videos that have public previews, they are streaming them as HLS, unencrypted, thus why my notes...
Hmm. I see the one that failed is getting the same error as I was getting, which is caused by not using 3.3.2+ of community.general.npm I can't see what role...
Also just got this error now, so thanks for making a thread on it. chmod 644 was sufficient
Yes it will. See the first paragraph of the [README](https://github.com/mingxinstar/react-hls/blob/master/README.md) which says: `react-hls` is a simple hls/rtmp live stream player. It will use [hls.js](https://github.com/dailymotion/hls.js) to play your hls live stream...
@coder054 Really had to downvote something from a year ago huh? I might have tested this package and gotten it working but don't remember how. IMO I haven't recently looked...
Never mind, should have been able to figure it out from my how trivial the regex is and the code for the utility itself. For anyone reading, the code for...