Results 16 issues of Matthieu BACHELIER

Hello, First, thank you for your work! Is it possible to add a new Tab with all Favorites, like the "Tracks" Tab? The modal is not enough when you have...

feature request

### Version latest commit: ### Platform Android ### OS version android 8.0 ### Steps to reproduce 1. git clone 2. cd examples/BeaconsDemo/ && yarn 3. react-native run-android ###...

Hi, Is this normal that there's some lag when scrolling? It looks like the animation is limited to 15 fps. Regards

## Prerequisites * [x] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following: * My beacons have Estimote Monitoring enabled (Check it...


**What you were expecting:** The admin to start normally. **What happened instead:** When upgrading my dependencies in package.json, from ```` "@mui/icons-material": "5.6.2" ```` to ```` "@mui/icons-material": "5.10.3" ```` the admin...

needs more info

Hi, Using `"react-native-quick-actions": "0.3.10"` I can't build my App any more! ``` * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':react-native-quick-actions:verifyReleaseResources'. > java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Android resource linking failed C:\dev\rn-breastfeeding\node_modules\react-native-quick-actions\android\build\intermediates\res\merged\release\values-v26\values-v26.xml:7: error:...

Hi, with the following dependencies, I have this: ``` "@livechat/ui-kit": "0.0.9", "react": "15.5.4", "react-dom": "15.5.4" ``` ![image]( with: ``` "@livechat/ui-kit": "^0.2.3", "react": "15.5.4", "react-dom": "15.5.4" ``` ![image]( There's a regression...

Hi, Is it possible to rewrite the code to support latest SDK? In fact, I'm having troubles with where such imports aren't recognized: import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;...

As suggested by @OgaBoss

Hi, With latest release of Bulma (0.4.0), writing forms must be enclosed by DIV with class field, like this: Country {{ c.country_fr }} which produces: ![image]( If I do the...