
Results 13 issues of MB34

Please modify the data.rows rowHeader and rowVal to be arrays so that they can be more easily filled and/or modified/inserted/deleted. Kind of like this: ```javascript var data = {}; data.tableHeader...

Do you have experience doing this in another container such as Docker or Heroku?

Downloaded the Classifieds Portal. readme.md does not have admin login credentials. This is all it has: ``` ## Admin login details - Url: sites-public-url/admin - Superuser : [email protected] - superuser@superuser...

While running php artisan lavalite:install, I get this error: ``` In ConfigureDatabase.php line 117: Call to undefined function Litepie\Install\Installers\Scripts\mysqli_connect() ``` Tried it using PHP 5.5.12 and PHP 7.0, both with...

Does anyone have an example of his grid with he Bootstrap "table-bordered table-striped" style?

You need at least SOME dosumentation on the format of the JSON data to feed this grid. It is not clear how to build the JSON to load it.

Was wondering if anyone has forked this project and created a Vue.js front end. Of course it wouldn't be a MEAN stack but instead a MEVN stack ;-)

I don't see a way to add a function to sort different columns. All I see is the default-sort-column. How do I set this up for sorting on different than...

I have changed the values in my exported XML file ``` 1200 1200 1200 ``` and then reimported, but the values come up as they were when I exported. ```...

I'm not sure if this package is still being supported because there haven't been any updates on issues since 2013. But... In the init function, the call that removes the...