Hi Jens, In fact, I am trying to following the details in #3. But I cannot see if the compilation is done in host machine or in the normal world...
It is me again, I defined all theEnv. parameters correctly and I hopefully was able to launch the compiling but I affroned the following errors: make[1]: Entering directory '/home/tee/devel/qemu_optee/lcu14_optee_hello_world/ta' CC...
Yes, I followed for installation. In addition, I downloaded gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8-2013.12_linux (the one that is mentioned in #3) and used it instead the one coming by the default installation (export...
Hi Jens, I finally succeeded in building the TA :) As you said, the cross compiler was not correctly called. The result of comiling was 8aaaf200-2450-11e4-abe20002a5d5c51b.ta file and many others...
I found that I should push the TA to the normal world by modifying gen_rootfs/filelist-tee.txt and launching ( found in I think the creats the image filesystem.cpio.gz,...