Jakob Löw

Results 17 issues of Jakob Löw

Using this patch reduces file write time drastically. Old startup time: `0.011s`, new startup time: `0.382s` Old file write time: `11.938s`. new file write time: `0.005s` **Thats a 2387.6x speed...

Hey, Im not sure about the SJA1000 but the MCP2515 supports multiple filters, however the api of this library does not support multiple filters. Maybe a macro constant like `MAX_FILTERS`...

i tried to keep the interface simple for the user, you simply specify a list of CAN ids you are interrested in and the library handles when the hardware does...

there are 3 checkboxes you can check whether you want notifications when you get @-mentioned, when someone says something and when users join/leave

the tripcode of users should already be sent in the onlineAdd package to all clients imo

A user in the [TelloPilot forum described a simple Swarm using regular Tellos](https://tellopilots.com/threads/swarm-of-2-tello-drones-simple-tello-non-edu-version.6168/). By binding a socket to a specific network device one can talk to multiple Tellos even though...


I'm trying to get data from collectd to an influxdb but can't connect to the influxdb server via udp, which is why i wanted to use this package. It successfully...

you can now do for example: ``` C #if @e[score_foo_min=42,score_foo=42] say i am the answer to everything #else say sorry no answer found #endif ```

Awesome module but defnitly could use support for enabling / disabling safe search :blush:

Currently all parsing is done in [ast.c](https://github.com/M4GNV5/PointerScript/blob/master/parser/ast.c) by checking if the text at the current location in the code is a known keyword/operator etc.. First tokenizing the input string should...