Jakob Löw

Results 59 comments of Jakob Löw

try to add this to your nginx.conf ``` server { listen 6060; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; } } ```

I have the same problem, i cannot get it to display more than one tile. There is an exclamation mark in the top left `Cannot read property 'length' of null`....

this is very old, but i would still love to see this. Or is what i want already possible with the current version? I would prefer to be able to...

I get the following output: ``` : not found ./../etc/kayak.conf: : not found ./../etc/kayak.conf: : not found: ./../etc/kayak.conf: Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx256m Error: Could not create the Java Virtual...

Hey, in fact it seems like a bug in DJITelloPy. When the library does not retrieve frames anymore (i.e. the video stream stops) the worker thread tries to stop and...

This seems to be a problem with the GUI implementation on Mac OS X. [This stackoverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51069328/hitting-assertion-failed-nsviewiscurrentlybuildinglayertreefordisplay-cur) suggests you are not allowed to do GUI things outside of the main...

It looks like there is some data receibed, but the decoder is not able to read it. Are you running the latest version of djitellopy which uses pyav? How did...

Hey, can you paste the full output of the program? My first guess is the drone tilts itself in the direction it wants to fly and thus the actual speed...

@AbdullahAmer86 I do not think the output you posted is related to this issue. This issue is about the speed reported by the Tello in state packets. Your output looks...

The [send_rc_control](https://github.com/damiafuentes/DJITelloPy/blob/master/djitellopy/tello.py#L773) function uses [send_command_without_return](https://github.com/damiafuentes/DJITelloPy/blob/master/djitellopy/tello.py#L449). This means the command is simply sent there but the Tello does not send a response back. The `rc` command is often used when e.g....